A legacy gift to UUSC is a special way to show your commitment to our shared values by making a lasting contribution to our human rights work while achieving your personal and financial objectives. Your generous gift creates a legacy for human rights by upholding the inherent worth and dignity of all people. 

We rely on our members – those special and passionate people who seek to change the world – to make our mission possible. Through legacy gifts you help us continue this important work in the future, supporting UUSC in ways that may not be possible through cash gifts. Make a lasting difference for human rights today. 

We can help you find a gift arrangement that fits with your goals. Some gift options can also provide you with a substantial tax advantage. A legacy gift makes it possible for you, your loved ones, and UUSC to all benefit. 

We want to be sure that we can fulfill your wishes and achieve your goals. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us.