Our donors, and the beneficiaries of their generosity, have stories to share.

Read their inspiring stories below:


Davalene Cooper

Davalene Cooper

“As a Unitarian Universalist, supporting UUSCputs my faith into action and accomplishes much more than I could ever do alone,” Davalene Cooper shares.
Linda Harris

Linda Harris

Building connections between like-minded groups is a common theme of Linda Harris’ social justice work at First UU Society of San Francisco and beyond.
Rev. Catharine Harris and Dick Harris

Rev. Catharine Harris and Dick Harris

Retired from distinguished careers in ministry and physics, Rev. Catharine Harris and Dick Harris share a passion for history, travel, the outdoors, social justice, and the human rights work of UUSC
Jim Landfried

Jim Landfried

The First Church in Belmont, Massachusetts played an important role in the founding of the Unitarian Service Committee (now UUSC) and continues to be a champion of our work today. We owe much of our knowledge of USC’s history with First Church, along with the high level of support from that congregation, in large part to one person — Jim Landfried.
Flaming Chalice Circle

Flaming Chalice Circle

Since its founding in 1940, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) has been a leader in the global movement to defend human rights and advance social justice.

Rev. Dr. Sara Emma Zimmerman

I have been a contributor to the UUSC since 1996. That was the year I was in Yunnan Province, China, for several weeks working on a project for Earthwatch.

Remembering Frances “Frannie” W. Davis

October 14, 1926, brought the first edition of A. A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh as well as the birth of Frannie Davis.

Committed to Human Rights

Holly Kerr has spent much of her life balancing a full-time career in manufacturing, marketing, and general management with her committed efforts to advance social justice.
Wake Now Our Vision

Wake Now Our Vision Was a Great Cooperative Success!

The WNOV Campaign is a joint effort of six UU partner institutions. A $5 million grant from the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock provides a 10 percent cash match of up to $10,000 for new planned gift intentions to partners and congregations. The earliest the matching funds are expected is in the Summer of 2019.

A True Legacy

Over the years UUSC has received many thoughtful and generous donations. Sometimes we are fortunate to be included in a donor's will. Leonard C. Brown Jr. is someone special who did just that.
Rodney and Jeannette Debs

A Deliberate Act

Many of us are good at planning. We plan for vacations, our children's college tuition, our daughters' weddings and our retirements.